Tuesday, January 17, 2017

1ST HANDS ON Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition!

1ST HANDS ON Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition!

Image source: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/T7GSdTPhctnQwfPiXar8bLa6ztI=/0x0:577x579/1200x800/filters:focal(243x244:335x336)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/56260641/xbox_one_x_32.0.jpg

Jacob Sartorius! Well. It's a bad day today! Lamarr Wilson here Back with another video, where i try to do stuff and guys This is Unspaecl  sartorius I don't even know the title of the video is as I'm filming because This, guys this just came in matter of fact all of you can hear in the other room there are people here from Microsoft from the Xbox division that came from Seattle and brought me this box I'm like the first person in the universe to get this, I don't know what it is But I just have an idea about it I'm not sure so I'm gonna open this with you today, and then we're gonna find out more about it, i.. (Laughter) I like this ??? So much, I'm just sayin' dont i look good? (Maybe?)   Its.. Heh, (oh the poop.) This cant be real (YES IT IS) guys oh my oh my God   See when you open it up it has..

Getting started materials game pass and games and what is it? An Xbox live gold to be a special edition of a thing that's going to go up for certain people to Hey, I better get a copy! They're in another room, this is a stand. UGHH. Just hit on the table Bet they heard. It's wrapped so nicely,  you sure? I'm gonna.

I'm gonna open it hoohhh (   ) My Lord this is my first time seeing or touching it in person like i saw it at E3! But it didnt look like this, oh, you know i love controllers right? (   ) My God nice black controller that says Project Scorpio Right on the controller that's AWESOME, otherwise It's a regular controller, but, so nice I just like the... The... Uhh.. Feel, Was about to say taste, I like the taste too! But i like the feel of the controller You know I just, look at it! But they're not gonna want it back so keep it ya know!  So the first thing should note.

Is that this right here this texture now. I'll do a close-up for you is Hand Screen-Printed each one of these they're gonna be limited edition the Scorpio edition is A hand screen printed, (wow) is done by the same team that does the controllers You know all those controllers that I collect they did all of all this print so again I'm just honored to be able to talk about this this just been announced a gamecom (ye boi) I'm the first person in the U.S. To be able to touch this and look at it ahead of time and It's going to.. Here's the cool part it's going to be the same price as all the other ones So it's going to be first come first serve when when the pre-orders unlock today So we get your pre-order in, don't leave the video yet! Okay? Get your pre-order in and when they're gone they're gone here is something that I missed and Executive, just told me he doesn't want to be on camera But he he told me about the box now first I didnt see it and you probably saw it and SCREAMED AT ME (pls no) I'm like, what?? So again, Project Scorpio Edition, do you see something interesting? If you see it, Comment below that you saw it before me before i say it Isn't this just like the original Xbox in the design? You see what they did there? That is only going to be in a project Scorpio edition and they wanted to Just to kind of give an omage? Homage? To the past there.

And I think that's great so other things to note about the project Scorpio edition is exactly Same-same Innards I. Heard that effect But has the same innards, same everything of all the other Xbox one x's so the only Difference is just the finish of it again with that screen printing that awesome box And the controller that has the project scorpio on all right guys So that's the Xbox one x project Scorpio edition and let me know what you think in the comments below let me know if you were able to snag one For the pre-order because this video is coming out right when they announced this I'm hoping you see it and you get your pre-order And if not just still trying to get Xbox one x because I can't wait to play With everybody it's going to be so fun. So guys thanks so much for watching Xbox division of Microsoft seriously thank you for choosing me to be the person to present this o GAAH! Oh oops (realizes quickly he made a mistake) Complicate just that was a little bit unnecessary and let me know what you'd like me to try next I tried the Xbox one x even though. I can't play it yet because It's supposed to but can i hide this? It's just something I can put in a box that's heavy enough.

So they won't no no Yeah I'd be fire forever. I'm not even gonna pay so how am I getting fired? I should do it SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE YE! Subtitles done by Venom Crafted and have fun with your Xbox's and PS4s and PCs and Switches! Byee!!!!.