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jetted off, leaving me! And Zaboo! How more obvious could I be?
My vagina was practically in my hand! We need more towels, please. What am I supposed to do,
go downstairs alone? I've seen wildlife specials! Cheetahs always go after
solo stragglers first! Whatever. I'm going to go down there and explore
the things that I'm interested in. Like...
What are those things? What do I like? The Game has
a booth down there, right? Oh, can I have some more
of those little shampoos? Oh, a packet.
That's convenient.
Oh, uhh... Excuse me,
do you know where the, uhh... H-hi, I'm looking for booth 451...?
Excuse me... [Codex screams] [Codex] Where do I go please? Look, I told you three times already.
Per. Person! I've never been here before. You're weird enough looking to where
I remember you. Again, and again.
It's not for me. It's for, uh...
My son, uh, here! Timmy, hobby, uh... Scoriacis... Boy! There you are.
My son.
Ask the nice man for your hat. He's shy, and has several
attention deficit disorders. Grayson! Why'd you get out of line? Grayson? Seriously? Robin's real live name
from Batman comics before Bruce's son Damien
assumed the role, previously known as Nightwing,
now known as Batman. Okay, we don't have time
to go to the end again, so you can just forget about getting
Darth Vader's autograph, okay? He's giving away autographs? No! Twenty-dollars each,
in the autograph area.
People foolishly pay celebrities
to sign items for them? They also take pictures with you. Pray you become an orphan. Bruce Wayne would never
be so fiscally irresponsible! Vork, hey!
Come with me to The Game booth? Absolutely. I was able to obtain fifteen
complimentary human-sized bags, if Bladezz can't get
the hotel room free, we're now able to manufacture a tent
city in order to avoid hotel expenses.
Ah, good idea. How would you like me
to visit your house more often? I'm going to choose option B,
not visit at all. Ahh, it's just that,
I might be seeing Zaboo... A lot...
If things go how I'm planning. Ah. You intend to fling your femininity
at him in a copulatory manner. Tread carefully.
Letting biology rule
is a dangerous thing. Biology's not "ruling" me. What I think
I feel for him, is real emotion. Codex, Codex...
You're a woman reaching
the end of her fertile cycle. This desperate biological imperative
is driving you to seek a genomic legacy. - Nothing more.
- That is ridiculous! Haven't you ever been in love? It's more than just genome. No.
Love is nothing more
than bastardized biology. Have you not seen march of the penguins? Okay, I don't care what you,
or anyone else in the guild says! Zaboo is most probably, certainly,
almost the man for me. Maybe. [Workout trainer] Crit, crit!
Lightning ball, lightning ball! Okay, let's ride into battle,
everybody get on your mount! And let's ride into battle! We're riding into battle,
we're riding into battle! Oh, hey dudes! I'm in a workout!
Hey, mister! You better start
paying attention to the workout! Sorry. You were saying? [Trainer] Alright, now we're going
to kill all these orcs with a fireball! Yoo! I'm looking for Kevinator,
his pirate awaits. Arrrgghh! Arrrghh. Hehe.
Sorry buddy, Kevin got fired.
Messed up too many Guild Halls,
so players' complaints took him down. Bu-but the dude was gonna hook me up! Was he now? You know, he's said that
to a lot of guys like you. - Hey Floyd!
- Yeah? We got another Kevinator joke invite. Hey! The pirate kid.
Hey, go, say it - say the line.
Ahem! Taste my pirate patty. Pretty cool. The big boss over there really loves
internet memes, you know. He's been down lately,
so I guess Kevin wanted to cheer him up.
Um, I'm folding shirts and stuff. Okay, so wait. Uh... Do you still want me to sign stuff
and pose with people? And...
I mean, you can pay
for my hotel room, right? No. Pardon, uh, who am I serenading? Oh, do you know the Double Rainbow song? Oooh, oooh, ooohh! Let's do it! Let's do it man.
That came from the heart! [Tink] T-shirts! Twenty dollars.
Baby with a gun, what's not to love? Hey! Buy something, first! Hello...
Remember me? - Barely.
- Okay... Do you have a permit to sell those? Why? I'm sorry, but... You have to have
a booth or a table to sell things.
Rules, and all. I'm a girl. Rules in geekville
don't apply to us. Right? No...
I'm going to have
to ask you to, uh... Pack up. Make me, squirell. Storm troopers? Whatever.
Free photo!
Free photo... You?
Thank you, very good! Okay...
Come on, completely free! Can I sign your face? Why aren't you in the Game booth?
Aren't you a Special Guest? Stupid Kevinator screwed me over!
I'm nothing but a punchline for him. And get this, he was fired
before the convention, so I can't even yell at him now. Someone drank my
sweet juice glass of justice?! They must rehire him,
so I can have him refired! I demand it! I can't believe they'd...
[Gasp] Ooh, free play spot! I will sign this for you, totally free! Bladezz, you have no appeal to anyone,
with your signature or picture.
Your currency is being a fool,
and you're worth less than a dollar! But I said I'd take care of
the room situation. How am I gonna pay? Create value where this is none,
something Mrs. Zaboo taught me. Bladezz, go upstairs
to retrieve your laptop.
Does your phone do video?
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I just had a dozen-dollars idea. Clara? Where are you going? I'm leaving! This whole stupid
being pregnant thing is the anti-fun. They won't let me do
the convention zipline, breakfast martinis are totally out, and five people have asked me...
When is the baby due? This place is awful! So what? You're gonna walk home? Well I didn't think it through that far! Forget fun!
Help me out offload these tees.
We've got to find a booth that will let
us sell them using their permit. When you wipe, get back up again! I guess. Fun me wanted though. Sad! And when you pop that kid
out of the dutch oven...
We could... Do a girl's weekend away.
Agree, I'm not offering more. Okay, sounds great! Heh, you're like
my sister from another brother-in-law. - Huh?
- I love you.
Whatever. Give me a hug. Sorry, panel is full. But, but I gotta be a part of this.
I mean...
It's Interpreting Middle Earth
Topography into Vegetable Arts. I was going to make Broccoli Ents! Most panels, you're going to wait
in line for an hour, sometimes two. Saw a guy do six in '98. Yeah but maybe I can just
stand in the back or something? Can't.
Can you just keep the door open
and I'll watch it from here? The whole point
of the doors is that they shut. I just came from the MMO Workout, okay?
I just... I... How can you do both panels at once?
I mean, it's ridiculous! Socks and sandals.
DTP, buddy.
- I do not know what DTP means...
- Defeats the purpose. It's like wearing
a t-shirt under a bikini. All right, I'm sorry. There's a lot of things that
you could improve on...
Must have it all.
Must have it all! Yeah, I'm talking to myself!
Stop looking at me. How's the demo?
Great changes huh? No. They nerfed Rising Phase.
Are they smoking crack crazy? Well, a lot of us worked really hard
to get this demo ready for the con... I haven't slept in a week, personally,
getting it ready for everybody to enjoy.
Well, these changes are moronic! I mean, they get rid of Gleaming Cross,
but keep Aurora's Veil? Well, you know, the creator oversaw
all these changes personally... Without Gleaming Cross, these Warlocks
are gonna eat our lunch in PvP! They throw out this new
Demon's Voice ability? Boom! One-shot. - The creator needs a reality check.
- Seriously?! I mean, HUNDREDS of us,
worked for like, MILLIONS of hours! To get this ready, for the con...
And then you... You spend two minutes on it,
and you start to TEAR IT APART! Do you even THINK before you type stuff
and criticize, or say things? I can't believe I'm getting TROLLED
to my own FACE! Why don't YOU create
an imaginary world?! It'll probably be like FRESNO
or something! SCREW THIS!
I need a kale smoothie! Wow.
You just tore a new a-hole into
Floyd Petrowski, creator of our game. Bravo. Time Warp spell! Work! PLEASE!.